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Grammar, Writing and Language

Most student writing in Grade Four is done independently.  Students practice to complete rough drafts, which are then edited for content, grammar and correct punctuation.  Once correct, these passages are finalized into good copies.  Over the course of the year the passages grow in length as students are encouraged to elaborate and write to capture the attention and interest of the reader.

Letter writing conventions are studied in Grade 4. Grammar studies will build on previous years’ work, developing parts of speech (proper nouns, adverbs and prepositions) as well as introducing basic verb tenses.


Reading studies continue, both explicitly and integrated with other studies; for example, students begin to follow written instructions in various subjects. Books are assigned to read in school, and students are expected to read at home, independently. Reading aloud to parents and friends is encouraged.  Weekly reading groups continue to present opportunities to read aloud to other classmates and a supportive adult at school; aspects of the stories are discussed to promote comprehension.


In grade four student’s develop abstract reasoning ability, and can begin to explore fractions.  As they are introduced, fractions are brought to life through story problems, manipulatives and illustrations. They are taught carefully and methodically, first by breaking the whole into parts, and then introducing the concept of numerator and denominator, and methods for expanding and contracting fractions.

Students continue to strengthen their computational skills; they are encouraged to develop speed and flexibility with all types of computation.  Measurement skills are reviewed and strengthened as they work with time, money and linear measures.  Ongoing practice and regular repetition at home are encouraged to strengthen skills.


The strands for grade four science are:  Habitats and Communities, Pulleys and Gears, Rocks and Minerals and Light and Sound. Science takes on a more comprehensive look into these four strands and students are expected to analyze these by taking information and using innovative hands-on methods.

Social Studies

Local history, geography and map-making are the essential components of the Social Studies curriculum. The perspective begins with the individual student and spreads out in space and time from there.  Students will study and draw maps of Ontario. Students will also begin to study history of First Nations Peoples and Settlers.